9 October 2013

Wandsworth? We eat healthily but get more STDs

The latest health profile for Wandsworth is out and the news is mixed. In general trends are positive and on most measures Wandsworth is at or above the England average. People in Wandsworth are less likely to die from cancer, heart disease, and stroke than they were 10 years ago. However, on new cases of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, violent crime, homelessness, and the number of children in poverty, we are significantly worse than the national average. Room for improvement.

The summary of results is as follows(©Crown Copyright, source:  Public Health England 2013):

  • The health of people in Wandsworth is varied compared with the England average. Deprivation is lower than average, however about 11,800 children live in poverty. Life expectancy for both men and women is similar to the England average.
  • Life expectancy is 8.9 years lower for men and 6.8 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of Wandsworth than in the least deprived areas.
  • Over the last 10 years, all cause mortality rates have fallen. Early death rates from cancer and from heart disease and stroke have fallen. 
  • In Year 6, 20.0% of children are classified as obese. Levels of breast feeding and smoking in pregnancy are better than the England average. 
  • Estimated levels of adult 'healthy eating', smoking, physical activity and obesity are better than the England average. The rate of sexually transmitted infections is worse than the England average. The rate of road injuries and deaths is better than the England average. The rates of statutory homelessness and violent crime are worse than average. The rates of long term unemployment, hospital stays for self-harm and drug misuse are better than average. 
  • Priorities in Wandsworth include reducing the rate of sexually transmitted infections, alcohol abuse, and cardiovascular disease. For further information see www.wandsworth.gov.uk.

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