Several local pubs are putting on Halloween-themed events:
- Bar 366 has a raunchy take on Halloween for couple and single girls only on Friday 26 October.
- The Pig and Whistle on Merton Road has a fortune teller, bush tucker trial (booking required), and costume competition on Friday 1st November. Kids are welcome till 9.30pm.
- The Wandle is having a Halloween Spooktacular on Saturday 2nd November with live music and prizes for best costume.
For something more family friendly, the Wimbledon and Wandsworth NCT is hosting a Halloween party for parents and children on Wednesday 30 October. Both members and non-members are welcome.
If you're looking for a costume, check out the charity shops on Garratt Lane for ready-made costumes or the makings of something original.
The police are offering advice to anyone with concerns about Halloween and Bonfire Night to help make sure everyone enjoys the events.
For more goulish fun, Word Factory is presenting great short stoty readings. Earlsfield Cemetery 8th Nov